Tuesday 17 February 2009

School's out - how to keep yourself and the kids happy!

'When I was at school, a fair few years back, school terms seem to linger on for ever until finally we got a break from classes with the much anticipated arrival of the school holidays.

Why is it that now I am a parent they seem to come all too quickly! Before you know it, you are having a conversation outside the nursery gates about your plans for the week, and feeling under pressure to have planned an excessive amount of fun filled yet educational activities for the whole week. Then there's the added stress of thinking about juggling work and childcare.

It was actually a relief when the mum I was chatting with at the school gates revealed that she didn't really have any plans, apart from meeting up with another mum at a playcentre one day. The rest of the week she was going to be looking after her sister's three kids as well as her own - now that's sisterly love for you! The thing is, she was happy that her kids and her sisters' kids would be able to entertain each other, without a fortune needing to be spent on family tickets for a day out at the zoo or aquarium.

School holidays can be stressful for parents for various reasons, including juggling work and family life and finding affordable childcare as well as finding ways to keep your kids occupied on a budget, with many families feeling the pressure during the recession. Parents who have contacted us here at Parentline Plus tell us that there are ways of entertaining kids without emptying your bank account. On our website http://www.parentlineplus.org.uk/ we have a number of ideas to entertain the kids on a budget, including going to your local swimming pool, checking out activities in the library and organising some good old-fashioned games like hopscotch, marbles or putting on a show. For older kids, it's worth checking if there are any free or subsidised sporting activities in your local community.

When it comes to childcare, you could think about sharing with a good friend and taking it in turns to look after all of the kids while one of you works. There may also be some subsidised multi activity days that can keep the kids occupied and help them burn off some energy. It's usually a good idea to book these things ahead as they do prove very popular.

Another thing parents also tell us is that it's crucial to look after yourself during the school holidays as well, so mum or dad's nerves aren't too frayed at the end of the week! Even taking time for a bath in the evening or to read a book while your partner or a friend or relative look after the kids can be relaxing. More tips on looking after yourself are also on our website http://www.parentlineplus.org.uk/.

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