Tuesday 7 April 2009

Parentline Plus Chief Executive, Jeremy Todd highlights need for more support for parents of schoolchildren

I was concerned to hear the Association of Teachers and Lecturers union report that four in 10 teachers had faced verbal or physical aggression from a pupil’s parent or guardian. There is no excuse for such abuse and teachers should not have to face this during the course of their day to day work. Hearing this news also brought sharply into focus the fact that more support is needed for parents.

It's crucial that parents and schools build good relationships from the outset, by going to parents' evenings or just requesting a chat with your child's teacher at the end of the school day if anything is concerning a parent. This way parents and teachers get to know each other better and can work together as best as possible for the good of everyone concerned.

However, it is clear that there is also a real need for additional support services for parents of schoolchildren. At the moment, Parentline Plus is delivering work with parents in schools across the country to support schools, teachers and parents to improve relationships and give children the best possible experience at home and at school.

Where we are delivering this work at a local level, for example in Hertfordshire and Hampshire, the positive results for everyone is clear. For example, in Hampshire, parents are feeling more able to discuss their children's issues with teachers in a constructive and non threatening way. Teachers are noticing an improvement in communication between home and school which results in improved behaviour in the classroom and better outcomes for children. Local authorities must be commissioning more of this support for parents so that teachers and parents can work better together for their children.

No teacher should face abuse, but it can be prevented. Our experience shows that parents and teachers can work well together if they are properly supported and resourced. Local councils must resource this properly and parents must not be afraid to come forward for help and support.

Jeremy Todd, is the new Chief Executive of Parentline Plus
Parentline Plus runs a free, 24 hours, 7 days a week confidential helpline for Parents, call 0808 800 2222